Program > 2 June 2021

Conference Program (all times CEST)

Berlin (virtual conference): 19 May – 30 June 2021
The conference will be held online via Airmeet.

If you are interested to attend, please register via 

Note: Speakers will receive a personal login link and do not need to register themselves.



2 June 2021

14:00 16:00: Poster Session



Vincent Baillet (Archéovision, CNRS, Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
The life cycle of 3D digital data in an archaeological research: case study in Greek archaeology with the lesbic kyma


Sebastian Bondzio (GHI Washington)
Large Card Indexes in Historical Research – Contemplating Historical Big Data


Frederike Buda, Andreas Birk (Jacobs University)
3D Digitization of the Bunker "Valentin": Methods, Challenges and Possibilities


Miguel Calleja-Puerta (University of Oviedo)
The encoding of agency in Iberian notarial charters (XIIth-XVIIth centuries)


Natália Da Silva Perez (Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen)
Modeling Historical Concepts of Privacy: The Challenges of Creating Datasets for Text Mining in Historical Documents


Ingo Frank (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies,
Regensburg), Monika Barget (Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz)
Ontology-based Modeling of Time, Places, Agents in the Project DigiKAR (Digitale Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich / Digital Map Lab Holy Roman Empire)


Julia Jaklin, Elias Berner, Peter Provaznik, Matej Santi (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
Telling Sounds: Annotating and Connecting Audio(visual) Sources for Musicological Research


Christian Knüpfer, Clemens Beck (University of Jena)
Modelling prosopographic knowledge from historical events


Stephan Kurz, Matthias Schlögl (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
Modelling the Austro-Hungarian Administration as a Resource


Nicolas Lasolle (University of Lorraine)
Temporal Knowledge Representation and Exploitation for the Henri Poincaré Correspondence Corpus


Lars Müller, Kilian Schmidtner, Stefan Cramme, Clemens Schulz (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt/M.)
Modeling Prussian Teachers' Biographical Data


Cord Pagenstecher (CeDiS, Freie Universität Berlin)
Oral history archives: Time, space and agency in research environments for audiovisual research data


Marie Puren, Pierre Vernus (Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, Lyon)
Better preserving the European Silk Heritage with the SILKNOW ontology. A CRM extension for modelizing the production process of silk artefacts


Marie Puren, Pierre Vernus (Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, Lyon) Elaborating and using a CIDOC CRM extension to study and compare Cultural Heritage artefacts produced over several centuries in Europe. A case study on historical silk-related artefacts


Marie-Odile Rousset (Archéorient, Lyon), Francesco Beretta (Université de Lyon), Vincent Alamercery (Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, Lyon), Sébastien Durost (Bibracte EPCC), Jean-Pierre Girard (Archéorient, Lyon), François Mistral (Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur), Miled Rousset (Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée - Jean Pouilloux, Lyon)

HisArc-RDF: prototyping an operating chain, related to the Linked Open Data, on structurally and semantically heterogeneous archaeological data sets 


Matthias Schlögl, Marcella Tambuscio (Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Vienna), Maria Mesner (University of Vienna), Matthias Trinkaus (Kreisky Archives, Vienna)
Diachronic analysis of co-occurrences networks: a case study on Staribacher diaries and Austrian politics


Wolfgang Schmidle (German Archaeological Institute, Berlin)
ChronOntology, a gazetteer for temporal terms


Henri Sergent (Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris)
Modelling Time, Places, Agents for the HyperOtlet research project


Lixuan Song (Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, Lyon)
Research in History with the method of life science


Giorgia Tolfo (British Library, London), Timothy Hobson (The Alan Turing Institute, London)
Supporting an interdisciplinary research agenda through meta-modelling. The case of Living with machines





16:15 17:00: Session 6 Uncertain Time and Space

Pim Van Bree, Geert Kessels (LAB 1100, The Hague)
Chronology Statements for nodegoat: a temporal topology to interface with vague, relational, and actionable dates


Grzegorz Myrda, Tomasz Panecki (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Stable identifiers for historical topographic objects




17:15 18:00: Session 7 Space and Agents

Philipp Schneider (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Heraldry as a Historical Source to Conceptualize Medieval Spaces and Agents: From Historiographic Concepts to Data Modelling Approaches


Simon Donig (Universität Passau), Maria Christoforaki, Siegfried Handschuh (University of St. Gallen)
Space, time and period - the Neoclassica approach



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